Multi-channel RF jammer simulator with open-source interference library. Enables the creation of complex interference modulations (clever jamming) to test the resilience of your communication and navigation systems. Compatible with Adalm Pluto SDRs.
GPS simulator for spoofing vulnerability testing. Supports coherent spoofing scenarios, live sky and over-the-air operations. Easy-to-use solution not requiring advanced GNSS knowledge.
GNSS Interference SDR Toolkit
OEM library supports seamless integration and customization with various embedded SDR platforms, enabling efficient development of advanced GNSS spoofing and jamming simulation capabilities.
Software Development
- Desktop apps: C#.NET, C/C++, Python, NI Labview
- Web apps: ASP.NET Core, Angular, Python
- Embedded: C/C++, Verilog/VHDL
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Hardware Development
- Architecture design
- Schematics, PCB design
- Prototyping, small-scale production