GP-Probe DIN L1 User Manual v.2.0

Welcome to the setup guide for the GP-Probe DIN L1, a sophisticated GNSS interference and anomaly detector. This manual provides comprehensive instructions to help you set up and operate your GP-Probe DIN L1 efficiently.

The GP-Probe DIN L1 offers two primary options for data processing: using the cloud-based capabilities of GP-Cloud or the onboard signal processing feature, OSP (Onboard Signal Processing). GP-Cloud allows for extensive data analysis, storage, and monitoring across multiple devices, making it ideal for advanced analytics, historical data comparison, and remote monitoring across several locations. Alternatively, the OSP option processes data directly on the device, which is perfect for environments with limited or no internet access.

In this manual, you will find detailed steps on:

  • First Power-On: How to initially power up your device.
  • GNSS Antenna Installation: Best practices for installing the GNSS antenna to ensure optimal performance.
  • Connect GP-Probe to GP-Cloud: Instructions to register, configure, and calibrate your device using GP-Cloud.
  • Activate Onboard Signal Processing: How to set up onboard signal processing for environments with limited internet connectivity.
  • Device Response Configuration upon Event Detection: Configuring how your device responds to various detected events.
  • Connector Description: Detailed descriptions of the various connectors on the GP-Probe DIN L1.
  • Reset to Default Settings: Steps to reset your device to factory settings if needed.
  • Troubleshooting: Information on error codes and how to address common issues.

For more detailed information, you can access the online user manual at: Online User Manual

To review the technical specifications, refer to the datasheet: Datasheet

Let’s get started with setting up your GP-Probe DIN L1!

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