Vulnerability Reports2021-07-30Septentrio Mosaic-T GNSS Spoofing Vulnerability Testing#GP-Simulator #gps-sdr-sim #HackRF
VideoVulnerability Reports2021-03-04Spoofing a Multi-Band RTK GNSS Receiver with HackRF One and GNSS Jammer#gps-sdr-sim #HackRF #UBLOX
Vulnerability Reports2020-07-12Evaluating the Vulnerability of a UBLOX M8T GNSS Module to Spoofing#GP-Simulator #UBLOX
Vulnerability Reports2019-12-26Testing Internal Spoofing Detection Algorithms in Time Servers Oscilloquartz OSA 5401 and OSA 5405#GP-Simulator #Time server
Vulnerability Reports2019-07-16Evaluating the Vulnerability of a Spoofing-Protected Komset CCB-1G Time Server to GPS Spoofing#GP-Simulator #Time server
Vulnerability Reports2019-06-20Evaluating the Vulnerability of a Meinberg’s LANTIME M300 Time Server to GPS Spoofing#GP-Simulator #Time server
Vulnerability Reports2019-03-24Evaluating the Vulnerability of an Oscilloquartz’s Time Server to GPS Spoofing. Part 2.#GP-Simulator #Time server
Vulnerability Reports2019-03-16Oscilloquartz’s Time Server GPS Spoofing Vulnerability Experiment#GP-Simulator #Time server