Announcing GP-Probe DIN L1


GPSPATRON is excited to announce the launch of our latest innovation in GNSS monitoring and protection: GP-Probe DIN L1. This single-channel GNSS probe has been designed to ensure the security and reliability of critical infrastructure, including time servers, transportation, and 5G base stations.

The device combines three functions:

  • Detection of interference and GNSS signal anomalies
  • A combination of GP-CLoud and GP-Probe DIN L1 enables GNSS signal quality logging
  • Monitoring the accuracy of PPS to improve the reliability of synchronization systems
GNSS/GPS spoofing and jamming detection solution

Key Features

  1. The device is fully compatible with GP-Cloud. You can monitor your GNSS-dependent infrastructure in one UI.
    The combination of two features – GNSS interference detection and PPS accuracy tracking – makes the device perfect for ensuring robust and reliable synchronization systems for mission-critical infrastructure.
  2. Onboard Signal Processing Option.
    The device can detect anomalies of GNSS signal and interference without connection to GP-Cloud.
  3. Integrated GNSS RF switch with an embedded jammer.
    You can connect the device between a GNSS antenna and a protected GNSS receiver. If GNSS signal anomalies or interference are detected, the GNSS output port is disabled. To protect against powerful spoofing attacks, there is a built-in jammer that assures blocking of fake signals of any power.
  4. Built-in PPS Phase Measurement Unit.
    You can connect a PPS output of your time server to a GP-Probe DIN L1 and receive real-time notification of PPS phase accuracy degradation.
  5. Embedded LUA script engine and debugger for custom user scenarios.
    You can develop your own LUA script to respond to interference or GNSS signals anomaly. A terrific option for quick integration of the device into your existing infrastructure.
  6. Basic RF spectrum monitoring feature.
  7. Validated PPS signal output.

Data set in GP-Cloud

When connecting the instrument to GP-Cloud, you can analyze the following data:

  • Total Quality
  • Quality per GNSS
  • Anomaly per GNSS
  • Peak Power
  • Horizontal Position Accuracy per GNSS
  • Position Deviation Map
  • CNO Average
  • CNO per Satellites
  • Residuals per Satellites
  • Number of satellites per GNSS
  • Satellite Heat Map
  • PDOP
  • TDOP
  • RMS of Residuals per GNSS
  • Spectrum Waterfall
  • PPS Offset

Probe Comparison

The main difference between GP-Probe DIN L1 and GP-Probe TGE2 is that GP-Probe TGE2 can classify GNSS interference into spoofing and jamming. GP-Probe DIN L1 can only detect interference and anomaly in the GNSS signals.

Feature GP-Probe DIN L1 GP-Probe TGE2
GNSS Channels Single-channel.
Possible detection of anomalies in GNSS signals caused by spoofing\jamming.
Designed for spatial analysis of GNSS signals for reliable detection of intentional coherent spoofing attacks
Coherent Spoofing Detection Detection of GNSS signal anomalies when attempting to shift the PPS phase or coordinates Reliable detection from the first seconds of fake signal activation
Spectrum Analyzer Basic functionality High-quality RFSA
Interference Source Geolocation Not available TDOA
Built-in 4G Modem +
Power Modules 9 – 50 VDC 100 – 240 VAC
18 – 75 VDC
LUA Scripting Engine + +
GNSS Signal Blocker Embedded.
60 dB attenuation plus jammer
External GP-Blocker.
110 dB attenuation plus jammer
Interference Classification Interference




Supported Probe Statuses Interference
Low Position Accuracy
PPS Offset
Hardware error
Low Position Accuracy
Low Time Accuracy
PPS Offset
Hardware error


The GP-Probe DIN L1 is an affordable and effective solution for monitoring GNSS interference and protecting critical infrastructure against spoofing. Although it does not provide the same level of detail and classification of GNSS interference as the GP-Probe TGE2, it is still a powerful tool for maintaining the security and reliability of GNSS-dependent systems. We are proud of our team’s hard work and dedication in developing this innovative product, and we look forward to seeing it in action across various industries.

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Anomaly Detection in Raw GNSS Data for Time Server Protection Against Spoofing
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Selecting Optimal Anti-Spoofing and Anti-Jamming Techniques for Resilient GNSS

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