Types of GNSS Spoofing. Explainer Videos

Many of our customers ask us why our solution requires three GNSS antennas. This is necessary to ensure the detection of all possible types of attacks:

  1. Non-coherent or asynchronous
  2. Coherent or synchronous
  3. Coherent with multiple transmitters
  4. Meaconer

In this video, you will find an animation explaining the fundamental differences between attack types:

Here, you will find out how the GNSS receiver behaves under synchronous and asynchronous attack:

Why should you consider an advanced attack scenario?

  1. It is false that a coherent attack is complicated and expensive.
  2. A coherent attack does not require a lot of power. It can be conducted with any SDR from a distance of tens of kilometers.
  3. A time server under a coherent attack will not display errors or even warnings. You will just have an incorrect time.
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